We have the penis size distribution in the US covered with the data from an extensive study, but what about the rest of the world? Are there any regional differences? Are the prejudices many have about penis size and race really true?
Yes, there are differences by country and continent and they are bigger than you would probably assume, according to the worldwide survey by the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland that collected data from BPEL (bone pressed erect length) not self-measured studies from a total of 116 countries. Let’s start with the classic racial bias. We may wish it wouldn’t be true, but according to the biggest ever done worldwide penis survey, the data backs up what many think and urban myths claim.
Among the countries with the biggest average erect penis size, according to the Target Map list (link unfortunately dead since 2023), there are 19 countries in Africa in the Top 50, 8 of them in the Top 20, with the Democratic Republic of Congo being #1 with an average of 7.06 inches. Of course there are exceptions, Morocco scores rank 49 with 5.92 inches, Tunisia is #51 and Ethiopia even #89. More surprising maybe, South America is totally dominating the Top 10, Ecuador #2, Colombia #3, Venezuela #4, Bolivia #6, Brazil #8 and Haiti on #10 with 6.93 to 6.30 inches.
At the bottom of the list, there are 15 countries in Asia. While North Korea and South Korea may have their political differences, they are already united in penis size, an average of 3.80 inches at the bottom of the list.
UK and US are pretty close together, but both in the lower quarter of the list, #79 and #96.
Keep in mind the regional data does not account the average depth and width of vaginas worldwide, which also varies by region with an obvious correlation to the average penis size in the specific country. In contrast to penile size, there are no extensive and verified measurement studies, just vague average numbers hinting to 4.5 inches on worldwide average (not stretched, the upper part of the vagina is highly flexible).
All those numbers in the ranking are way below the in unofficial world record by a man in Mexico. According to the press, his penis is 18.9 inches long. No reason for envy, he suffered all his life from his unnaturally huge penis, he was never able to find a woman and was diagnosed serious depression caused by the shocked reaction of potential sexual partners and erectile problems caused by his giant manhood. A sad story that proofs being average isn’t the worst thing, getting a bigger penis is definitly not a surefire way to happiness.
How is penis size measured correctly
There are various ways to measure flaccid and erect length, for most surveys the so called BPEL is the gold standard. Usually a folding ruler is used and slightly pressed against the public bone right above the penis root, measuring all the way to the tip of the glans of the erect penis. For flaccid length the same method is used, called BPFL, but it’s rarely used due to its susceptibility to error (penis and/or foreskin) pulled in length and the fact that hard length is far more relavant for sex and optical appeal. Girth in measured with a soft string or tape wrapped around the penis once without any overlap, then the string or tape itself is measured.
Why are there studies or surveys about penis size?
The answer may surprise you, but most surveys or studies are placed in order by big condom manufacturers like Church & Dwight Co. or Karex Berhad (also owns Pasante). Since penis size varies from country to country and condoms in wrong sizes don’t sell well, all manufacturers have a huge interested to offer products that really fit for each market. A better fit gives them an advantage over competitors not basing production on local differences. Estimates for the growth of the global condom market assume a total market value of $9.6 billion till 2021, that’s a lot of good reasons to pay scientists and doctors to measure penises.
Is it just me or does this ranking promote prejudices?
Hi Sam,
we absolutely don’t want to promote prejudices or offend anyone in any way, we took a few hours to really verify all the data. Please keep in mind these are statistical averages calculated on data sets varying in size and accuracy. It’s the attempt to bundle all this data in one overview and not free of errors. Average always means there were men way above the average and way below, so you certainly can’t say “men in country x have a small penis” or “men in country y have a large penis”. Also keep in mind that woman are built differently, so having a huge penis can be a disadvantage, too. Everybody is a little different, has a different taste and that’s great, every Jack will find his Jill.
Is there any data for Canada? Didn’t find it in your article. Thanks in advance!
Hi Canman,
yes, there is, 5.48 inches (pretty good sample size of 890 men in Canada), which translates to #80 in the global ranking. The differences between the US, Canada and Europe (very few minor exceptions) are really small. Hope this helps.
This is big male problem, I’m 7.2 inches bone pressed but feeling small because of addiction to porn. Very difficult to convince myself that I’m normaal sized.
Hi Freddy,
thanks for your honesty. 7.2 inches, 18,3cm, is far above the average. That’s a really good size and you should get some very positive feedback from women. Keep in mind pornstars are not the average guy. They are selected individuals with an exceptional physique. Almost all of them are using Viagra, Cialis or similar to get the maximum erection, often combined with the use of penis pumps right before the film shooting. In addition, adult movies are always filmed from certain angles that make them look even bigger.
I know, if you are inside this “information bubble”, only seeing guys with a huge penis, it may be hard to convince yourself, but it’s worth it, since your size – without the slightest doubt – is more than fine.