Premature Ejaculation – Causes and Treatment

Premature ejaculation is the process of uncontrollable, fast ejaculations (either during masturbation or sexual intercourse, and in some rare cases just at random times in general). It usually pertains to before you sexually penetrate your partner, or you’re just about to – it always happens with the minimal amount of sexual stimulation you could imagine. In the long run, both your partner and yourself are going to notice that you aren’t meeting your preferred sexual stimulation levels. There are a variety of reasons as to why you may suffer from this issue, and it can also increase the amount of anxiety that you’re feeling; the only thing that’s going to do is make the problem worse.

Premature ejaculation can occur at almost any time, although it’s more likely to happen whenever you’re interacting with a new partner. It’s one of the most common penile ailments that you could suffer from as a male, and it’s probably going to affect every single man on this planet at some point in their lives, according to reputable statistics.

How Is Premature Ejaculation Caused?

A lot of different things can pertain to premature ejaculation, and it’s crucial that you identify the source of your problems. Most of the time there isn’t going to be a clear cut cause, and that makes controlling the issue as difficult as can be. When it comes to sexual experience and your age, both traits might pertain to the issue – the younger and more inexperienced you happen to be, the more likely premature ejaculation is going to come up. That isn’t the only thing, though; sometimes it could just be the levels of anxiety that you’re experiencing. If you’re a person that usually has anxiety problems without getting into sex, premature ejaculation is probably going to be a problem for you.

Sometimes it might only happen to you in very specific sexual situations (like certain positions, or partners), and other times it might just be because you haven’t had sexual intercourse in quite a bit. Guilt and depression are two other mental factors that you’ve got to work into the equation. It’s strange to think about, but the mentality that you have going into certain situations is going to improve upon your premature ejaculation (if possible). It could also even be a hormonal problem, some sort of penile injury, or even just a side effect of medicines that you’re taking. The full list of medical conditions causinf premature ejaculation can be found ar Medical News Today.

Premature Ejaculation Symptoms

The symptoms are straightforward; you’re going to have an uncontrollable ejaculation either before or quickly after you’ve begun intercourse. This means that you’ll never be able to have a “full” sexual session, and your partner is more than likely going to be left unsatisfied. Not only is it embarrassing, but it can take a toll on you mentally if the problem persists long enough. It’s essentially an ejaculation before you wanted it to occur, which is never going to be fun. Sometimes people will notice that their symptoms are on and off, in which case it’s more than likely an emotional issue. Brains are tricky to work with, especially when it comes to premature ejaculation.

How Am I Diagnosed?

The diagnosis process is a simple one, the doctor is going to ask you a few questions pertaining to your sexual history. They’re going to ask about partners in the past, whether you’ve had safe sex and an abundance of other questions that you’ll need to answer truthfully. The doctor will conduct a physical exam on your body, and may even want to talk to your current partner (if it applies) – premature ejaculation isn’t exactly easy to deal with, especially when you’ve got to pin-point the source. Your doctor will want to make sure it’s actually as simple as premature ejaculation, as opposed to anything else that could be much more serious.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

The treatment process can be a difficult one, as there isn’t a solid answer. Different things are going to work with different people, and you’ll have to go through the steps of figuring it out for yourself. Sometimes it can be as simple as changing the positions that you use in the bedroom – some say that having sexual intercourse with the male on his back could improve upon premature ejaculation. You should also be able to identify the feelings and sensations that you feel before ejaculation, after you’ve learned what these “triggers” are, you can train your body to delay the ejaculation process. You’re essentially trying to train your penis to tough it out, and it really does work.

If you don’t use condoms while conducting in the act of sexual intercourse (which you should be, unless you’re trying for a pregnancy), you can try and introduce those into the bedroom. They take a lot of the sensation away from sexual intercourse, which means you’ll be able to last much longer in bed; this doesn’t work for everybody, though. Your partner might even be the one to blame, as they could be working you too hard in the bed – try and help them understand when they should go faster or slow. Stimulation at a quick pace is surely bound to make you ejaculate quicker, so try and go slower the entire time you’re having intercourse.

The standard treatment is either numbing creams, gels or sprays containing lidocaine, a mild anesthetic that’s applied locally and/or Dapoxetine (brand names Priligy and Westoxetin) a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, a substance similar to the active substance of many antidepressants.

Tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs could have an effect on your ejaculation tendencies as well. If you’re taking part in any recreational drugs, tobacco or alcohol, cutting back could work wonders for you. A lot of people actually beat their premature ejaculation problems by getting rid of their smoking/drinking habits, as well as illegal drug use. Like stated before, it doesn’t work for everybody, but you’ve just got to find your “cure”. Kegel exercises are also great for those trying to extend the time it takes for them to ejaculate. It’s working out the muscle located in the base of your penis, so that you’re able to keep a stronger erection (and get used to stimulation in general).

In some cases, it may take some sort of counselling or therapy to actually relieve anxiety-related premature ejaculation.

6 thoughts on “Premature Ejaculation – Causes and Treatment

  1. David M.

    Hi guys! I’m suddely ejaculating very fast, never had this problem before. Nothing changed, I’m married with my wife for 22 years and we always had great sex. Any idea what might be going on? Regards, David

    1. SPE Post author

      Hi David,

      the so called acquired premature ejaculation (in contrast to lifelong) can have various causes, see for an long but good read. While I feel honored that you ask us for help here, the best advice is: See a doctor fast. If the reason is e.g. a prostate inflammation, it could require treatment with antibiotics. Any diagnosis via the web is highly untrustworthy, so please see you local urologist for a proper exam. We wish you a speedy recovery!

  2. JohnG

    How fast is too fast? I last about 7-10 minutes in bed and while I never had problems to satisfy women before, my new girlfriend says 10 minutes is premature. Really true? I though 30 seconds to about 2 minutes is short, but 10 minutes is ok in my opinion, isn’t it? Thanks for helping!

    1. SPE Post author

      Hi John,

      7-10 minutes is totally fine and far from premature. The International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) definition is, quote: “Premature ejaculation is a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which always or nearly always occurs prior to or within about one minute of vaginal penetration; and, inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetrations; and, negative personal consequences, such as distress, bother, frustration, and/or the avoidance of sexual intimacy.” So, 1 minute or less.

      Keep in mind the average intercourse (peneration) lasts 2-3 minutes for the average couple. Some women require a lot more time for an orgsam, it’s basically about “compatibility” and you could put it the other way, too, she needs too long. Unfortunately, this knowledge doesn’t solve your problem, but at least from a medical point of view, you don’t suffer from premature ejaculation.

  3. Ayobami

    I also experience such 1 to 2min and really ashamed of myself have tried several means no solution yet am 25years any solution or hope

    1. SPE Post author

      Hi Ayobami,

      there is absolutely no need to be ashamed since about 2 minutes is almost average as I pointed out in the answer to John. It’s not that bad and with an exercise program like e.g. Ejaculation Guru by Jack Grave or any other really structured and regular exercises, you should be able to slowly but steadily last longer. If you need some short term help to fight the pressure, you may want to see your doctor or an urologist and ask about Priligy. Not cheap, but dapoxetine works and doesn’t have severe side effects for most users. Neverless, do not order it directly via the internet, but ask a doctor first, especially if you are taking other medications, too. All the best, never give up and remember: There are very few woman who enjoy sex for hours, most get sore after a relatively short time and are perfectly fine with “only” 2 minutes.


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